Sunday, July 12, 2009


You have all met our super loveable dog Frankie and at the Henriques household Frankie is considered more like a son. He has his own toys, his own bedroom and pretty much gets whatever he wants. However he has one habit that absolutely drives me nuts. Frankie loves socks. I mean LOVES them. It is like he searches them out and then you hear him tip toe back to his room with his prize in tow and tries to rip them apart.
But Frankie isn't the only part of the problem since we know that he loves them we try to hide the socks and Jay likes to hide the socks on the couch and on his desk and of course Frankie only sees that as a challenge and nonetheless after some stealth 007 maneuvers generally ends up with socks!! Anyway last night I was able to catch the sneaky ninja like dog with his prize and I just had to share it with you guys and gals!

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