Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Celebrations

Monday was the West Haven, CT Memorial Day parade. So of course we had to go, I mean its so far away too. We walked and walked and walked some more then about 38 seconds later we were there, come on now it runs past the end of our street, haha.

I know I say it all the time but I am super proud of our troops and all they do for us. So we went to show some love, and decided to brinf along our dog Frankie. Well he lasted about 5 minutes because he has a hatred for bicycles, and of course some kids had to keep riding by and getting him all worked up. Or maybe it was those creepy street vendors selling blow-up spider-men :)

After a brief trip home to let Frankie relax I got back to the parade where Maggie and another friend were all setup in our fold-up chairs watching the festivities. I don't know about you but when I was a kid I loved parades except for when I had to march in them, hehe. So we grabbed a photo of these not so excited kids, come on kids get jumpy about it, yeay, hoot and hollar or something. geeze.

As a supporter and a son and grandson of war veterans I hail to the troops as they pass, God Bless Them All. Thanks for all you do. :)

Here is a little bit of my tax money, um I mean one of West Haven's Finest on a nice little Harley doing some little figure 8's and all for our enjoyment.

Now who's got it better than Hankee the clown? You get to do the craziest, stupidest stuff and most people love it except the ones that have nightmares about Hankee eating you in your sleep, but seriously clowns rock.

These folks actually live up the street from me and walk this giant dog on a leash, I swore it was a horse but who walks a horse on a leash, hahaha. ;)

One of our good friends just got hired on West Haven's Fire Department as a Firefighter/ Paramedic, Congrats to him but 4 days after being out of the academy he gets stuck driving the new Rescue truck in the parade. I thought for a moment he may of needed a medic with all the pressure, but he did a great job. Oh yea that's a little more of my tax money ;)

After the Parade we headed down to Long Island for a Family picnic with Maggie's relatives. It's a bit of a ride but always a good time, here are some shots from the picnic.

Maggie's god daughter was all about working the camera and she had so many cute little faces.

and pose...and pose...and pose

Its always a good way to end the day star-wars style.

I hope you all had a fabulous Memorial Day, and again a big thanks to all the veteran's!


1 comment:

Robert J. Trenske said...

Thanks for sharing these, it looks like it was a fun day!!