Sunday, April 26, 2009

1st Annual Shelton Craftfair

Sunday Maggie and I were involved in the Shelton, CT 1st annual craft fair. This was a great event, minus the mini tornado (I'll get to that in a few). The day was perfect awesome weather and a wonderful turnout vendors and the public.

Here's Maggie working on her tan at our booth ;)

We got up bright and early to get the Jeep packed up to go then headed out. Our booth got set up and then I had to put some shorts on since we finally have the right weather for this time of year. AMEN for summer. :)

The scene was really cool, about 70 vendors I think, and since Maggie and I are involved with Shelton's EMS service, Echo Hose Ambulance I got to roll around the whole field on their Segway, Man that was SOOO cool.

Dear Santa the above photo is what I want for Christmas.

The Second Company Horse Guard was even there, they are the only Calvary left in the US well that's what the guys in uniform old me. They had a bunch of stuff on display and a great bit of history about the Calvary, I wish that had some horses with them even though I would of tried to ride them too :)

These were some cool reins that had the state emblem on them.

This saddle was about 100 years old and was donated from a Calvary Veteran.

Ok so I bet you were sitting on the edge of your seat wondering about the mini tornado, well here it goes. My father came down to visit and as we were sitting and chatting we saw this sign flying around about 50 feet up in the air with no sign of it coming down. Then the main walkway is a dirt path and it began to up rise like a mini twister and worked its way down the isle of tents lifting the 3 food vendors tents whipping them around roughly 20 feet in the air. I had my father girlfriend and her granddaughter hold down our tent and flat screen we had going as my father and I went to make sure everyone was ok after the tents came crashing back to earth destroying them. Luckily no one was injured but the pop up tents were mangled like that old paper clip on your desk that you love to play with, yup I do it too. It was quite a site to see and glad everyone was ok.

This was a quick shot of the food vendors with their tents.

Here is one of the tents after the wind.

We had a great time, got some sun, ate some excellent pulled pork sandwiches, had some fresh squeezed lemonade and limeade, and got to see some peoples great talents with all the craft booths. We will keep you updated for when and where we will be next.

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