Friday, August 3, 2012

Call us nuts....

We may be a little out there, but something about squirrels are so cute to me. I have such a soft mushy heart for animals, well most of them. Skunks and raccoons are cool but I would rather see them from a distance, haha. Sometimes when I just sit and lack motivation to do anything else I like to just stare at nature. Something about nature is so revitalizing and inspirational.

Which brings me to the part about us being nuts. We like to feed the squirrels fresh nuts, mostly peanuts, and sometimes a peanut with a little peanut butter on it for a treat. These little guys are free and do not worry about the worlds situation. They worry about food and shelter and seem super happy to just get a nut ;)

So the message I'm trying to get across is to live life to its fullest, Be happy, Be kind, Share, and Love one another.

Have a super fantastic weekend ;)

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