Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sneak peak to what's next

2010 makes me feel like there is a lot of new and exciting things in store. For starters as many of you know Maggie and I have been shooting together for some time. Now that we are married we will be changing up our branding to hit the streets as Husband & Wife photographic rockstars!!

We were married on September 6th 2009. All the planning from the prior 2 years finally paid off, we poured our hearts and souls into putting together the most important day of our lives. One thing we learned is all the feelings that all our clients and friends have to or have gone through and we can totally connect with them. The long nights of picking colors, writing names for invite lists, figuring out where to sit people, and so on and so on. This being said, We absolutely LOVE being married and I would marry her all over again.

This is why we are now are choosing to go through a similar concept with changing our branding, we want to incorporate US rather than just me. We want to bring our passion for photography and marriage to a whole new level. Just wait to see some of the things to come.

We are all for new adventures so if you have any ideas, questions, or comments, feel free to email or call us.

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