Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fairfield Hills part 2

You probably thought we were done with the posts from Fairfield Hills, well we were not!! Hehehe, Maggie has been working on a few pictures so we had to add them to the blog for you to all see.
For some reason Maggie was freaking out about being at Fairfield Hills so she decided to wander off on her own (again this is how horror movies start, you never leave the group)! Anyways when we looked at her shots later, I thought it was hysterical that most of her pictures were the warning signs from around the property. I wonder if she was trying to tell us something!

There was a ton of construction around the premises as we said in the last post, but that did not keep the curious boys far back they walked right up to see what was going on, and actually there was one of the tunnels behind that fence that they were in the process of closing up

This is a shot of me, that Maggie captured during our fun times near the trucks!

We got a little up close and personal with the trucks, because they were so cool!

Here is Chris, playing with the trucks! and yes he is shooting with a Nikon!!

This was such a creative shot that Maggie took I thought she did a fabulous job with this shot!And here we are minus Maggie, doing our signature "Blue Steel" poses!!!

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